Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tag teaming the baby robins!

Baby robins on Saturday, May 16th.

We are counting down the days, and by next week at this time, we should all be living at the cottage. Bonnie and Little Bear have already moved in. Kathy is still driving back to The Fort to care for pets. Bonnie has the basement floor looking great, but Kathy would still like to see one more coat of paint on it before the dogs are moved in.

We are very much enjoying watching the pair of robins feed their young. The heads of the adults disappear down the gullets of the babies! Kathy is taking a video camera today in the hope of capturing it. If she gets it, she can upload the video.

We have moved in some kitchen pots, pans, dishes, etc. The appliances move on Thursday and we will keep the rental van an extra day to move a few pieces of furniture. Then we can take our time sorting through the rest of the things at the villa to decide what we will take to the farm, and take Denny up on his offer to help us move with this van after his return from Houston. We are not pressured into doing this hastily since we still do not have the villa cleaned and on the market. We want to make certain that everything we take with us is something we really want or will use, and that it will have a place in the cottage.

Kathy ordered trash removal service for the farm this past week and it begins this Wednesday. It will be nice to have trash removal on both ends until we settle in.

Too muddy to work in the vineyard. The wire and Gripple tool arrived, so we are ready to put up our fruiting wire when we have the time and the weather cooperates. The weather has also prevented Rick Bauer from backfilling around the house and working on the perimeter drain. This is keeping the area at the walkout muddy which will not be a good thing once the dogs arrive and need to go outside into that area. Hopefully that work can be done in the next couple of weeks.

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