Sunday, May 31, 2009

Blossom Ridge Farm

What Bonnie did on Sunday.

What Kathy did on Sunday.

The photos show why we are Blossom Ridge Farm.

Bonnie spent Sunday working on a couple of raised beds in her veggie garden. She planted bush beans, carrots and Swiss chard. She will be putting boards around the two new raised beds eventually.

Kathy weed whipped the vineyard and did some more tilling. She has two more rows of vines to till.

Mike was by yesterday and took the cover off the AC. We decided it wasn't worth the effort to take it off in the summer and put it back on in the winter. Mike will be here this week to extend our driveway and do some other work he wasn't able to get to on Friday.

Rex will be back with the hose for the washer. Kathy brought the vent pipe for the dryer from the villa, so we have everything we need to get the installation of those two appliances completed.

Kathy and Rex forgot to change the broiler setting to LP from natural gas and didn't get the oven setting closed enough. Bonnie tried to bake on Saturday and was greeted by a huge flame in the oven. Kathy got the stove manual out and knows how to set those two things to LP but Bonnie wants Rex to do it.

We are still without a microwave. Bonnie will be taking it back to Ft. Wayne and, hopefully, we will get it back soon...or a new one.

Millie had an episode today and Kathy isn't certain what it was. It didn't last long.

June and Scooby stopped by to say hi when they were walking at the campground.

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