The robin eggs had hatched since Sunday and Kathy got pictures of the wiggly little critters. They will be off on their own before we know it!
Kathy was dismayed to find the little fridge in the kitchen not working when she removed the nematodes on Thursday. It had been working on Wednesday. She plugged a lamp into the outlet and it didn't work either. So into the basement she went to see if a breaker had shut off. Sure enough, one had. She reset it and the fridge came back on. The other day the breaker to the water heater tripped and we had no hot water. Kathy is a little concerned about the tripping breakers. The breaker box and breakers are used. Could that be the issue? We must confer with Rex about this.
We are still scheduled to move over Memorial Day and anticipate that Rex will have the rest of our plumbing and electrical done by then.
The vines look healthy. Kathy is watching 3 which she thinks may be dead. There are 4 in the "nursery" we could use as replacements. Bonnie will be tilling a swatch along both sides of each row and Kathy will use Denny's Mantis to go around each vine. We also need to build the soil up around each plant and that will involve breaking up some soil from the piles around the cottage and carting it to the vineyard in the wheel barrow. We need to fertilize also. So much to do.
Bonnie purchased a used mower from a friend that we can use in the vineyard and around the house for now, and we can hire someone to mow the rest of the acreage on a riding mower for this summer anyway. Kathy wants to use some weed killer along the fence between us and Denny and Barb's. Denny has already done his side of the fence.
Don't know what is on the agenda for this weekend. Kathy would like the vineyard tilled, but we also need to work on the basement and the bamboo and cork flooring.
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