She may earn a merit badge yet!
Another busy day at the farm...for Kathy anyway.
With the final inspection on Thursday, Kathy decided to head to the farm today to do some cleaning. And did we ever mention that both Kathy and Bonnie HATE housework? Kathy is a neat freak. Everything has to be neat. It can be covered with dust, but it has to be neat and in its place.
Let's see. First Kathy swept the basement and that took forever. She organized the basement, placed some trash at the walkout to burn later in the morning, and removed Rex's heater from the wall that he used before we had heat, placing it where he would find it to take home.
The basement stairs were swept. The trash was burned; and might we say that Kathy was finally able to start a fire and see it through from start to finish with no one's help! There is hope for her yet!
Kathy also checked on the grapes while outside and was thrilled to see that many of the vines we thought were dead are very much alive. So, of course, all the vines we bought for replacement arrived today and it looks like we may need to plant another row! We will know better this weekend as we examine each and every vine for signs of life...something that we have already done several times.
Kathy cleaned the downstairs bathroom - toilet, shower and tile floor. The shower cleaned up beautifully.
Most of the items on the front porch were taken to the basement and the windows and front door were cleaned from the inside. It was raining, so no outside cleaning today. The window between the country kitchen and front porch/living room was also cleaned. The frames of all the windows were just covered with sawdust and drywall dust. Everything had to be vacuumed, then washed with water before it could even be sprayed with glass cleaner. A long process making for a long day.
When Kathy was done for the day she headed for her car and Rex showed up to do a thing or two in preparation for tomorrow's inspection. Kathy touched base with him about some things that weren't done yet, asking whether they needed to be done prior to the inspection - the two outdoor lights, whether the gas line had to be buried and hooked up. (Rex had hooked up the regulator and had run the gas lines for both the stove and the fireplace.) I guess those things don't have to be done in order to pass inspection. There is still the matter of a couple of minor leaks, but that can be discussed tomorrow.
Kathy spoke with Rex about having him come to Fort Wayne to disconnect our stove and fridge and then transport them to the cottage and hook them up there, and that was agreeable with him. We need to find someone with a trailer with high sides on it for when that day arrives.
Kathy did not see Denny today so don't know if we are still on for tomorrow to transport the futon and fridge. It may all be weather-dependent.
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