We hope to have a working toilet soon since the port-a-pot was removed this week. Barbara offered us the use of their bathroom should we need one.
The ends of the railing to the loft had been amended so that they would pass code and a railing had been run down the basement wall. Mike had dry-walled the utility room, and the plan calls for Bonnie to mud and tape it, which she plans on beginning today instead of installing shelving that she purchased for the closets.
Bonnie has a 5-day holiday and she, Denny and Barbara have been disassembling the deck at the campground and the portable porch. The aluminum from the porch will be sold for scrap and the lumber from the deck will be recycled into a temporary back porch for the cottage until we can afford the wrap-around deck. Kathy will be at the campground today while Bonnie works on the drywall. She plans to empty the shed so that Denny can move it to the farm. She also wants to reverse the doorknob on the upstairs basement door so that the lock is on the kitchen side which makes a heckuva lot more sense to her than having it on the basement side.
Bonnie was excited yesterday to arrive at the cottage and see that the large ceiling fan we purchased for the cathedral ceiling was up. She loved it and said it went very well in its location.
Rex told Denny he would be by for the water heater that Denny and Barbara have so kindly stored for us in their barn. So Bonnie feels a little pressure to get the walls in the utility room done before Rex needs to install all of the things going in there.
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