Thursday, April 2, 2009

Stalking the wild turkey

Miami County turkey. (Must click to enlarge and appreciate photo.)

Kathy was coming home from Logansport today when she spied this wild turkey along US 24 in Miami County. She had to backtrack to be able to come up behind it to take the photo. The turkey wouldn't hold still, so she was lucky to get this photo. Please enlarge to see the detail of the turkey. This is a Tom turkey. Kathy has seen wild turkeys in Miami County all of her life. She grew up in Miami County at Bunker Hill Air Force Base, later known as Grissom AFB, and now as the Grissom Aeroplex.

Kathy stopped at the farm both yesterday and today. She visited with Denny today when he returned a book she had checked out of the library that he wanted to read. He has a plan for getting the rest of the limbs and twigs burned (when the weather cooperates), and also the roadside brush and weeds. One day it will look nice. Kathy is thinking of planting some spring bulbs along the road. This fall perhaps for next spring.

Rex stopped by and he and Kathy discussed the target time of the end of this month for us moving into the cottage. Rex is going to find out if we need to have steps to the back door in order to pass the final house inspection. We have two exits in case of fire, but we may need to have steps at the kitchen door to meet code. If so, Rex is going to try to borrow some temporary metal camper/trailer steps to get us through inspection until we can get our wrap-around deck built.

Kathy checked on her paint-mixing job and it will take a trained eye to detect where she covered the paint that didn't match the original wall paint near the stairway and a couple of other places. Denny couldn't detect it at all and Bonnie proclaimed it a close enough match to quit. Kathy was even happy with it and she is hard to please. She said it could be just a tad lighter, but she is going to leave it alone.

KJ hopes to stop by the farm on Saturday to finish his cutting. It is supposed to be a nice day. He has very little left to do.

Bonnie still has work she wants to do in the utility room, and Kathy just wants to be outside working in the vineyard or on the land. She did get some poison ivy last weekend, but considering that she has worked around it 3 times now, the poison ivy is minor.

Kathy spoke with Denny about going out to eat again with him and Barbara after he recovers from dental surgery. It should be another fun time. Restaurant and date still to be determined.

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