Rex has a floor drain ready.
(Click on photos to enlarge.)
Work has been steady on the pole building this week and the cement floor will be poured tomorrow. Rex was out today and set a floor drain and pipe in place which will be cemented into place tomorrow. We are hoping that while he is out here working on the barn he will have time to put the wall heater in the basement. We have a free-standing electric heater for the basement but purchased a heater that mounts on the wall between studs. Rex will be putting it on its own circuit. Kathy and Rex also need to fire up the gas fireplace on a nice day when the windows can be open and Bonnie is gone so that we know it is working ok for the winter should we lose power.
The Pilot goes in for repairs on Monday and Bonnie will be taking it in and picking up a rental car.
Today was a big day for Kathy. She finally spoke with someone at Social Security and got all of her questions answered and pushed the final online button to apply for early SS. First check will be deposited in January though she has no idea what it will be because she doesn't know if what she would receive as a divorced spouse will be more than what she will receive on her own work record. Hopefully it will be.
And speaking of early SS, Bonnie had a birthday yesterday and will be following Kathy into the land of Social Security in a year.
Kathy also has her application ready to apply to IPFW for the Spring semester. Only one course for her...Weather and Climate. She is watching a kids' video now on clouds. Not very informative.
Not getting much done on Kathy's days off. Tomorrow she will be off to Hessen Cassel for some caching. Bonnie will be meeting an old friend after class for lunch. The major excitement will be the pouring of the concrete.