We went to the cottage today and admired all that Mike had done this past week. We were pleased to find Rex and LeeAnn working on the electric. The light fixtures were going up and looked great, and quite a few of the outlets and switches were live. Kathy had fun turning them on and off and seeing which switches controlled which lights!
Mike stopped by and he and Bonnie discussed some areas of the cottage that needed attention and what Bonnie's vision was for future work on the cottage. Mike will be drywalling the utility room inside walls and moving a door opening for a future door to that room. As finances permit, he will finish drywalling the basement and build our deck.
We were pleased to receive a visit from Barbara and Denny. We hadn't seen them for a while, so Kathy called to see if they would like to drop by. It was so nice seeing them, and they seemed to like the cabinets, flooring, etc. We may impose on Denny soon to help disassemble the deck at the campground and to bring the Rubbermaid shed to The Farm. We have offered to sell them to the people who will be moving on to the lot but have not heard back from them. Bonnie has too much time and money in that deck to just leave it behind. Anyway, Denny and Barbara are expecting grandbaby #4 this spring! When they get to 5 they will be caught up to Kathy!
Last weekend June stopped by and she was also complimentary of the work on the cottage...and it wasn't nearly as finished as it was today. We feel blessed to have so many wonderful new friends and neighbors, and people working on the cottage who take such pride in their work and are such wonderful craftsmen/women (a plug for LeeAnn).
Some good news we received from Rex today is that we may have our septic in next week and water to the house! Then we can have sinks and a toilet! Oh, happy day! Mike's port-a-pot will soon be picked up, so the timing couldn't be better! It may be too muddy for Rick Bauer to finish the back-filling, so don't know when that will be done. And we still don't have a way to get out of the kitchen door. Hopefully those things can be taken care of in the spring.