Kathy and her new toy, with Little Bear in the foreground.
An update on Denny's climbing apparatus.
Asparagus beans.(Click on photos to enlarge.)
Well, we bit the bullet and purchased the Honda Pilot. Kathy loves it. It has, as previously mentioned, a wonderful ride. This purchase goes against everything Kathy believes in when purchasing a used vehicle. It has higher mileage than she would normally accept and NO warranty. The gas mileage is not that great (17-22), and Kathy believes in paying cash for her cars and this one has payments. So we will see how this works out.
We wanted a cargo tray for the Pilot so Kathy called the Ft. Wayne Honda dealer who gave her the bad news that Honda had quit making them for Pilots older than 2008. The dealer found two other dealers in Indiana who still had the trays in stock and the closest was Muncie, where they had one left. So off to Muncie Kathy went while Bonnie stayed home to make pickles. The ride was wonderful, even if the gas gauge did go down faster than Kathy would have liked. BUT...the tray is great and will protect the back end of the Pilot. We will most likely always keep the third row of seats down to have cargo space in the back. Denny was over to look at the Pilot and proclaimed it "good enough to borrow." We think that is a compliment. Tomorrow we will drive the Pilot to Bonnie's retirement dinner in Ft. Wayne that will include three of her co-workers at Cooper, her former boss at Cooper, and the two of us. We will wine and dine at Cork 'n Cleaver. We will be stopping by the villa to finally pick up the mower Bonnie purchased from Andrea so we can keep the area around the cottage mowed, hoping that will allow us to be able to have the rest of the property mowed less often.
Kathy was delighted to hear from her dear friend, Karen, today. She asked herself why they didn't call each other more often???? So they are meeting for ribs on Tues. after Kathy gets off work. Karen offered Bonnie some canning jars and packages of Mrs. Wage's pickling spices. Bonnie will need to take inventory of the jars she has at the villa tomorrow to see if she needs any extra.
Kathy's mother is at Chautauqua with her sister and Kathy misses their daily chats. She doesn't ever call her mother while she is away. The sisters need their time uninterrupted. The next sleepover is next Wed. anyway.
Bonnie has signed up for her first class at IPFW and is taking a cultural anthropology class that includes a book called Peyote Hunt. Hmmm.... Kathy hopes to register for a class next semester called Climate and Weather...an introductory class.
We got our toter from H&H Disposal this week and Kathy was able to get the bed springs in the Farm Art photo rolled up and in the trash this week. Next she will have to saw up the bed frame to put into the trash...little by little. Good-bye Farm Art!
As promised, we have given you a photo update on the climbing apparatus Denny made for his climbing vines. It appears to be working well. The asparagus beans in the bottom photo are very, very long and Denny said that, in his opinion, they don't really have any flavor...neither tasting like asparagus nor beans! He has promised us a few to try.
Kathy has been busy hoeing the vineyard and has 3 rows done. She made the mistake of telling co-workers at the library that she keeps a hoe in her vineyard, and the comments went downhill from there! Even Denny has joined in on the good-humored, but bawdy teasing!
The title of today's blog is in memory of Kathy's father-in-law, Don Baker. Kathy called Don, Dad, and loved him dearly. Dad died many, many years ago, and Kathy still misses him. Anyway, one of the things Dad used to say was, "I'm going to Muncie for a load of dirt." Dad lived in rural Miami County near Peru, Indiana, so there is no way he would, literally, drive to Muncie for a load of dirt. We have the feeling that this phrase was a cover for another activity, though Kathy never knew just what it was. So today, as Kathy left for the Honda dealership in Muncie, she turned to Bonnie and said, "I'm going to Muncie for a load of dirt," to which Bonnie did not respond (probably because she didn't understand what Kathy said). If anyone can offer a G-rated explanation for this phrase, let us know!